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As our nation’s graduating seniors prepare to walk the stage in just a few shorts month, they should also be preparing for the real world. Hopefully they have found where they want to work and who they want to work for. Part of preparing for the real world is taking on more responsibilities and becoming financially independent, if they aren’t already. One of the biggest things graduating students don’t realize or they take for granted is health insurance. If you cannot stay on your parent’s plan, or they are not going to cover you anymore, you need a plan in place. The enrollment season for health insurance for 2017 has passed, but if your parents will be taking you off their plan, then you have special enrollment options.

Don’t Put Health Insurance Off!

Below is some information to help graduating seniors get started on beginning the first steps to research becoming covered by themselves. You don’t want to put health insurance off and then need us, so don’t wait; prepare yourself now!

Short Term Health Insurance

For people still looking for jobs, waiting for a new job to start, are between enrollment periods and exploring their options, short-term medical coverage may be right for you. It can be as little as 30 days or upwards of a year, and covers you in case of an accident or sickness for a short time period.

Typically, much cheaper per month but with a higher deductible, short term health insurance may be right for the graduate that is looking to cover themselves briefly in case of a medical emergency.

For Those Graduates With Jobs

For graduates with jobs in hand, make sure your employer provides health insurance, and then check the rates in comparison with other insurance companies to make sure you are getting the right plan for you and your budget. Do your research and get multiple quotes. An hour of Googling could save you a lot of money!

Helpful Tips

As a college graduate not making much money, you could qualify for savings to help with medical insurance!

Know yourself! If you never get sick or need to see a doctor, then consider just getting catastrophe insurance or something that covers you only in case of worst case scenarios. You pay less per month but a higher deductible upon needing it. It is more for peace of mind. However, if you get sick all the time and are constantly at the doctor, consider lowering your deductible but paying a little more each month so it’s less out of pocket on visits and getting what you need.

Research, research, research!!! Take the time to do your research and learn what is best for you and saves you the most money!

Below is a great website to find useful information on healthcare, find coverage and many other awesome tools!

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